7 Ways to Ensure your Google DSM Replacement Option Is the Best Fit

5 min readApr 5, 2018


With Google Doubleclick Sales Manager’s announced sundown date set of July 31, 2019, the time to jump ship is quickly approaching — and this means choosing a replacement quickly. Despite an abundant market of options, not all sales platforms are made equal, and not every choice will be right for your ad sales and order management processes. Hence, finding a Google DSM replacement can be hard.

For publishers coming to terms with the loss of Google DoubleClick Sales Manager, the sensation can be akin to losing a security blanket. Despite the somewhat-lacking features that weren’t able to adequately meet the needs of the present industry, thousands of businesses around the world still put their faith in Google.

Here’s what to look for when choosing the perfect Google DSM replacement for you.

1. Integration of Various Data Sources

Few successful ad sales operations utilize data from a single source. You need an order management system that can pull from a variety of ad servers and exchanges to provide a comprehensive catalog of all necessary information.

Rather than handling manual processes or risking inadvertently excluding one of your important channels, it’s critical that your chosen system is able to include the delivery data and account information for every aspect of your sales.

Without integration to ad servers like FreeWheel, Smart AdServer, AppNexus, and the rest of the Google DoubleClick suite, you’ll be severely limiting what you’re able to accomplish.

2. Scalable and Upgradable Features

Every good company has growth in their sights, and that means you should, too. As overall operations develop and scale, you’ll want an OMS that can do the same.

When choosing an OMS, consider a product that is able to be:

  • Flexible
  • Accommodating
  • Easy to upgrade

If your business looks for growth and long-term success, it’s likely that your ad sales opportunities will change drastically from today. Restricting yourself to a less-than-ideal approach to order management can pigeonhole your abilities in a way that may hurt overall growth — and lead to expensive software transitions down the line should you outgrow your current choice.

3. In-Depth Insight Into Your Operations

Ad sales isn’t an easy area of business. With so many moving pieces and parts, it’s easy to get lost in the minutiae of day-to-day operations. The right OMS choice can help you rise above this by showcasing the most important information to both your business and your industry.

With so many data sources in play, fragmentation can be a major pitfall:

  • Instead of streamlining some processes and excluding others, focus on OMS solutions that utilize a wide range of tools to allow for full visibility from quote to cash.
  • If you can see every single step of the process, you’ll be far better prepared to catch issues quickly and implement effective solutions before damage is done.

4. Simplification, not Complication

Despite its downfalls, Google DMS is widely recognized for its elegance and simplicity. Overall, this can be a big advantage that publishers should maintain as a priority.

Even the best features in the world can be next to useless when they’re too hard for the average user to grasp. This is particularly true when automation or programmatic advertising steps over the line between effective and needlessly complicated.

When evaluating OMS options, don’t just focus on the flashiest, coolest-sounding functions; look instead for platforms that offer user-friendly features that won’t risk compromising important capabilities. Ultimately, your OMS should simplify your job, not make it harder.

5. Simple, Effective User Controls

While your team is assuredly strong in the ad sales field, that doesn’t mean they’re all technology pros. When considering your options, be sure to take installation, training, and configuration into account. A labor-intensive setup and training can severely compromise productivity.

Google DSM replacement alternatives that embrace SaaS like Salesforce can be highly beneficial, offering the opportunity to combine your software tools in one accessible and functional suite.

This includes support and training as well; software built in Salesforce offers a premier customer experience. It also provides teams with hands-on training, permanent support and troubleshooting when issues arise. You can also access simplified resources to help new and existing users hit the ground running.

6. Fully Customizable Options

Your business is yours and yours alone. While other publishers may operate in similar ways, you don’t need an OMS that’s similar to your business — you need one that can meet your every need.

One the largest issues with Google Doubleclick Sales Manager is its lack of customizable options; users are stuck with primarily the same alternatives, regardless of outside needs and expectations. When searching for a replacement, look beyond the norms. Find an opportunity that allows for flexible reports and dashboards for optimal efficiency.

An effective ad sales software can adapt to your KPIs, workflow, and data integration requirements. This gives anyone on your team immediate access to necessary information with the push of a button.

7. A Cost That Fits Your Budget

An investment in software goes beyond simple startup costs and the expenses involved in training and configuration. Instead, you have to think long-term.

Return on investment isn’t measured in months or weeks; it’s measured over years, factoring in things like additional customization, upgrades, and refresher training.

When pricing models, keep these kinds of additional expenses in mind, especially if your business has unique requirements that entail significant extra features and customized options:

  • While potentially affordable on purchase, the costs over the years may add up, turning what seems like a great product into a money pit.
  • Before going all in with a boutique platform, be sure the cons of a turnkey solution outweigh the costs of a custom build.

Finding Your Fit for a Google DSM Replacement

In the wide world of order management systems, there is no such thing as a universal solution. It’s up to you to make the ideal choice for your business.

By understanding the most important criteria and targeting your search accordingly, it’s possible to identify the perfect Google DSM replacement for your ad sales software needs.

Originally published at www.advendio.com on April 5, 2018.




Publisher’s all-in-one business software solution for efficient ad sales management built on Salesforce with customers in 25+ countries. http://advendio.com/