How to Prepare for DoubleClick Sales Manager Deprecation

4 min readMar 30, 2018


In mid-2017, Google quietly let the word out: DoubleClick Sales Manager deprecation is near. After years of supported use, July 31, 2019 will be the death knell for one of Google’s most appreciated ad sales tools. For many companies, especially those who have long-standing services that rely on DoubleClick Sales Manager (Google DSM), this shift, unfortunately, raises more questions than answers.

In order to minimize disruption to your ad sales operations here’s what you need to know about DoubleClick Sales Manager deprecation.

Why Is Google Pulling the Plug?

Google makes a lot of sweeping decisions, some of which make more sense than others. However, the end of DoubleClick Sales Manager (Google DSM) is largely a logical choice, even despite the outrage and denial many DoubleClick-reliant teams are now experiencing. With a trend toward customized, optimized solutions, making the switch now opens companies up to explore independent order management systems (OMS) that are a better fit for organizational goals and objectives. While Google will likely lose revenue initially, the expenses related to supporting a waning platform are worth the trade-off.

Google DSM is a popular solution for many but it’s far from the only player out there. Even companies reluctant to make a switch may see some benefits in doing so, especially those who value future-focused and flexible solutions — a departure from Google’s fairly static, rigid operations.

DoubleClick Sales Manager Final Date?

DoubleClick Sales Manager deprecation date is July 31, 2019 and customers are expected to choose their preferred ad sales replacement software before then. Sound like plenty of time? It’s really not.

While next August may be well over a year away, publishers with experience in moving from one platform to another know well how much time this can take. Finding new ad sales software, training team members, and transitioning data can be extremely labor-intensive, and the more time available, the better.

Publishers who choose to see this as an exciting opportunity for improved workflow optimization will benefit most, jumping ship with ample time for market analysis, collecting price quotes, and making an educated decision. Those who drag their feet and wait until the last minute are the most likely to make an improper decision and settle on an OMS that checks all the major boxes but ultimately fails to provide a high-quality experience.

Our essential 9 page DoubleClick Sales Manager deprecation checklist. Download Now

The Pros and Cons of Leaving DoubleClick

The prospect of moving away from a well-known platform poses both advantages and disadvantages, especially due to the forced nature of this particular shift. However, despite the departure of institutionalized operational norms, the pros outweigh the cons.

Companies will certainly feel the cost of switching from one OMS to another; no enterprise-level software is free, and the cost of training and implementation may be more than publishers were hoping to spend. This also takes time away from ad sales as team members are forced to relearn existing tools, slowing down current processes.

However, the shortcomings largely end there. In reality, the forced move from Google DSM is a blessing in disguise, giving publishers the opportunity to find a better fit for today’s modern media sales landscape. While DoubleClick Sales Manager was a valuable tool, many of its functions are falling behind the times, leaving teams reliant on outdated technology. A switch to a new OMS, although potentially costly, offers the opportunity to improve positioning as an actual multi-channel media business, growing sales capabilities as well as operational and financial reporting.

The Opportunities for Moving Forward

Making the switch may seem daunting, but the road ahead is rife with opportunities — provided you use this time wisely to find the right fit. Plenty of independent OMS platforms in the market can meet needs your team didn’t even know it had, offering advantages that include:

  • More integration and alignment of cross-media operations, including both print and digital
  • Enhanced access to the capabilities of CRM platforms like Salesforce with features to create and maintain opportunity sales processes, and improved customer experience
  • All-in-one options to streamline the quote to cash process
  • Increased customization opportunities for diverse media needs

While not all OMS alternatives will be right for you, it’s important to find the ones that are in the months remaining between now and July 31, 2019.

The Clock Is Ticking — Are You Ready?

Whether you like it or not, the end date for Google DMS is closer than you realize. If you haven’t already started to explore what else is out there, the time to tackle that is now. The process of selection, data recovery, onboarding, and integration requires a company-wide approach, and that’s anything but fast or easy. With an early opportunity to leave Google DSM behind, however, it’s possible to find your perfect fit with plenty of time to spare.

Originally published at on March 30, 2018.




Publisher’s all-in-one business software solution for efficient ad sales management built on Salesforce with customers in 25+ countries.