The Cookie Crumbles: Navigating Media Buying in a Post-Deprecation Era

4 min readMay 15, 2023


Media buying has long been a critical aspect of the advertising industry, helping businesses reach their target audiences. However, with the announcement from Google that it plans to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser by 2024, the landscape of media buying is set to change dramatically. In this article, we will explore the impact of cookie deprecation on media buying and the opportunities that exist in a post-cookie world.

The Impact of Cookie Deprecation

Cookies are small text files that are placed on a user’s device when they visit a website. They are used to track user behavior and preferences, enabling advertisers to target users with relevant ads. Third-party cookies are particularly useful for advertisers as they allow them to track users across multiple websites, creating a more complete picture of their interests and behaviors.

However, concerns over user privacy have led to increasing scrutiny of third-party cookies. In response to this, Google announced in early 2020 that it planned to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser by 2022. The timeline has since been extended to the second half of 2024, giving advertisers and publishers more time to adapt.

The impact of cookie deprecation on media buying will be significant. Advertisers will no longer be able to track users across multiple websites, making it harder to create targeted ad campaigns. Publishers will also lose valuable data on their users, making it harder to monetize their content.

However, the end of third-party cookies does not mean the end of media buying. There are still opportunities for advertisers and publishers to reach their target audiences and generate leads.

Opportunities in a Post-Cookie World

Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising is a type of advertising that displays ads based on the context of the webpage where the ad is being displayed. This type of advertising takes into account the content of the webpage, the keywords used, and the user’s search history. With the demise of third-party cookies, contextual advertising will become even more important, as it allows advertisers to offer highly relevant ads to their users without relying on tracking.

Publishers can leverage contextual advertising to offer highly targeted ad space to advertisers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and click-through rates. Advertisers, in turn, can create highly relevant ad campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

First-Party Data

First-party data is data that is collected directly from users, such as email addresses, purchase history, and website behavior. This type of data is highly valuable, as it allows advertisers to create targeted ad campaigns based on actual user behavior.

In a post-cookie world, advertisers and publishers will need to focus more on collecting first-party data. Publishers can offer incentives to users to provide their data, such as access to exclusive content or discounts. Advertisers can work with publishers to collect first-party data and create highly targeted ad campaigns.

Universal ID Solutions

Universal ID solutions are platforms that allow advertisers to track users across multiple websites without relying on third-party cookies. These platforms use a unique identifier, such as an email address, to track user behavior.

Universal ID solutions are still in their infancy, but they offer a promising alternative to third-party cookies. Advertisers and publishers can work together to adopt universal ID solutions and create more targeted ad campaigns.

Collaborative Data Solutions

Collaborative data solutions involve multiple publishers or advertisers sharing data to create a more complete picture of user behavior. These solutions can be highly effective, as they allow advertisers to target users based on a broader range of data.

Collaborative data solutions require a high level of trust between publishers and advertisers, but they offer a promising alternative to third-party cookies. Publishers and advertisers can work together to adopt.

In conclusion, the phasing out of third-party cookies by Google and other browsers will have a significant impact on media buying. Advertisers and publishers will need to adapt to a new landscape, finding new ways to reach their target audiences and generate leads.

However, this does not mean the end of media buying. Contextual advertising, first-party data, universal ID solutions, and collaborative data solutions offer promising opportunities for advertisers and publishers. By leveraging these tools, media buying can continue to be an effective way to reach target audiences.

As the industry adapts to a post-cookie world, it will require a shift in strategy and a willingness to explore new approaches to media buying. Those who are able to embrace these changes and adapt to new methods of targeting and personalization will be well-positioned to succeed in the future of media buying.




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