Unlock the Potential of ADvendio’s Programmatic Capabilities

2 min readJan 10, 2024


Are you looking to enhance your media selling experience? ADvendio is preparing to launch exciting programmatic advertising features in early 2024 to help you take your programmatic advertising to the next level.

Programmatic Advertisement Central Role:

Even as the era of cookies comes to an end, programmatic advertising remains at the heart of media sales. ADvendio is committed to keeping you ahead of the competition.

Mastering the Cookieless Future:

ADvendio empowers you to take control of the cookieless future by effectively managing your target audiences.

Rising Stars:

The worlds of Retail media and Connected TV (CTV) are flourishing, and ADvendio is here to help you navigate these thriving industries.

Who Will Benefit?

The individuals and organizations engaged in programmatic media sales, such as publishers and buyers, will see real value in these features.

Current ADvendio Programmatic Capabilities :

Programmatic Direct:

  • Create Tailored Campaigns: With our Programmatic Direct feature, your team can easily create dedicated campaigns for Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals seamlessly integrating them with Google Ad Manager.
  • Configurability: ADvendio’s Product Catalogue empowers you to define product configurations, streamlining pricing and targeting management for your sales representatives.
  • Programmatic Proposals: Once a Programmatic Guaranteed / Preferred Deal is accepted by a buyer, the settings are automatically updated in ADvendio. You will receive real-time updates about the latest delivery and can use this information in our accounting features and campaign reporting.

Programmatic Revenue Import:

  • Programmatic Revenue Import: this powerful feature simplifies revenue conversion into media campaigns, aligning your data for more informed decision-making.
  • Financial Expertise: enhance your financial management with ADvendio’s finance features, including Publisher Payout and Accounting Interface.
  • Seamless Integration: Seamlessly connect with industry leaders such as Google Ad Manager, Xandr, and BURT Intelligence. Import your data from various sources, using our CSV Uploader and API for added flexibility.

Future Programmatic Developments:

ADvendio has exciting plans for future development in the field of programmatic advertising:

  1. Programmatic Guaranteed Support for Xandr: By 2024, ADvendio will extend support for Programmatic Guaranteed for Xandr, expanding programmatic possibilities.
  2. Programmatic Direct Support for Media Buying: In March 2024, ADvendio is set to introduce Programmatic Direct Support for Media Buying, unlocking new opportunities.
  3. Reporting Enhancements: In March and July 2024, ADvendio will be rolling out reporting enhancements providing users with more valuable insights.

If you want to stay ahead in the world of programmatic advertising, ADvendio is the solution for you. Our Programmatic Direct feature, customizable options, revenue optimization, financial expertise, and easy-to-use integrations are specifically designed to help you embrace the future of advertising. Contact us to learn more or simply request a demo to access a trial.




Publisher’s all-in-one business software solution for efficient ad sales management built on Salesforce with customers in 25+ countries. http://advendio.com/